Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl+Space Switch direction
/ Move horizontally to next open square
/ Move vertically to next open square
Ctrl+/Ctrl+ Move horizontally to next square (could be a block)
Ctrl+/Ctrl+ Move vertically to next square (could be a block)
Shift+/Shift+ Move to next/previous across slot
Shift+/Shift+ Move to next/previous down slot
Home Move to first character of current slot
End Move to last character of current slot
Shift+Home Move to first across slot in puzzle
Shift+End Move to last across slot in puzzle
Puzzle Editing
. Toggle block on current square
Shift+8 Toggle circle on current square
Shift+2 Toggle shaded on current square
Ctrl+B Toggle lock on current slot
Ins Add/Modify rebus on current square
Ctrl+Del ,Ctrl+BackSp Delete content of current slot
Alt+Shift+Enter Add all single options (i.e. gray characters) to grid
Alt+Enter Add current slot's single options (i.e. gray characters) to grid
Ctrl+X Cut current slot's contents and store in clipboard
Ctrl+C Copy current slot's contents into the clipboard
Ctrl+V Paste contents of clipboard to current slot
Ctrl+Shift+C Copy current slot's filter into the clipboard
Ctrl+Shift+V Paste contents of clipboard to current slot's filter
Ctrl+Z Undo last edit
Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo last edit
Ctrl+Shift+L Create include filter from validated slot options
Ctrl+Alt+D Toggle dark mode
Puzzle Management
Ctrl+P Create new puzzle
Ctrl+O Open existing puzzle
Ctrl+S Save puzzle
Ctrl+Alt+R Create restore point